2013 年全球预言 中国,印度和日本关系(四)Global Prophecy of 2013, No 4

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圣灵很有意思,尽然说,让你看看东亚的局势,我心里嘀咕, 关我什么事呀! 异象开始,

中国是张飞发怒的形象在瞪大眼。 一个日本歌姬(脸上涂着白色颜料, 看不见表情), 手握弹簧弓,然而弓上的橡皮筋是松的,弹簧弓不时转向领国,口里说瞄准要打。

张飞怒目瞪日本歌姬, 背后是他的大刀,在日光下抖动,有点吓人。

在右前方, 是穿朝鲜黑衣, 戴黑帽的小胖子,坐在被水围住的岩石上,在一副白纸上作画,正在画军队装备的核弹。

张飞的左下方的远处, 一艘代表印度的军舰出现,从印度洋往这边海域开来,目标明确是南海。更远的地方,是一头有黑羽的大鹰,嘴上叼橄榄枝, 脚上扣暗器远远的由大西洋飞过来。

感動:东亚的局势会愈来愈紧张,中国军事发展的强大,使他可以当众发怒, 会使用军备来展示其实力而威吓领国。日本里外不一致,口头不示弱,故意挑动各方领国, 实则实力有限。

朝鲜一直在预备核武的力量, 从来没有放弃过,目前陷入饥荒(上面是被水围困)和其它的困境依然不会改变他想通过核武来获得国际上被承认的事实。


美国从大西洋过来,说是带来和平和调解,实质会暗中使用手段, 它更喜欢看见战争。


北京发出警告:美国蓄意挑衅 必须承担后果(组图)



少将:若飞行物不听警告坚持硬闯 中方可击落(图)

文章来源: 腾讯 于 2013-11-26 19:51:38





“世纪洪水”侵袭欧洲中部多国拉响灾害警报- 新华国际- 新华网


The following was seen at night of April 12 2013.

was really interesting was that the Holy Spirit said, “Let’s see the
circumstances in the Middle East.” I was whining and doubtful that,
“what does that do with me?” Then the vision started.

fierce image of Zhang Fei who was goggle-eyed implied China. A Japanese
Kabuki (with white pigment on her face, no expression) took a slingshot
on hand with the loosen rubber band. The slingshot turned to the
territory of China on and off, and she said “Aim and fire.”
Zhang Fei stared at the Kabuki angrily, with his saber behind. The saber
was vibrating under the sunshine. It was scary.

On the
top left is a fatty man with black Korean clothing and a black hat,
sitting on a rock surrounded by water. He was painting the nuclear bomb
of armed force on a white paper.
Faraway on the left bottom of Zhang Fei, one warship which signified
India sailed from Indian Ocean to the sea territory here. Its target was
directly to South China Sea. From the farther place in Atlantic Ocean,
flew a big eagle with black feather on its head, an olive twig in its
beak, and a concealed weapon on its feet.

The circumstances in East Asia are getting nervous. The expanding
military power of China makes her be able to rage randomly and to
frighten her neighbors with her armed force. Japan is inconsistent on
the outer appearance and the inner reality. She doesn’t want to concede,
however, provokes her neighbors with limited strength.

North Korea is developing
its nuclear weapon on armaments and never gives up. The country is
undergoing famine (Before, it is surrounded with water) and other
dilemmas, which are not going to change the fact that she wants to be
admitted in the world with her nukes.

Although India is faraway
but is attempting the China South Sea. The battle will begin from the
China South Sea; exposing her navy vessels to show her military power
that cannot be ignored. 

USA comes from the
Atlantic Ocean and pretends to conciliate with peace, in reality, she is
playing her hands surreptitiously. She is happy to see battles happen.

The second vision:
So many places were flooded. The heavy rain corroded the surface and
resulted in flood which besieged houses. The water flowed into the
houses. The disasters happened in countries in Europe. Small animals
were swimming on the streets.

The prophecies came true in June 2013

1) The Water Was Out In Many Countries of Europe: Czech Proclaimed The State of Emergency In The Flood Area. http://www.kankanews.com/a/2013-06-04/0013030646.shtml

2) Germany: The Flood Aggravated. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTY2MTQ4MDQ0.html

3) “The Flood of The Century” Striking Many Countries In The Middle Europe Gave Alarms.




On May 10 2013,

I saw the vision in the morning that a
white navy vessel was sailing on the regional sea. One submarine under
that vessel launched artillery and hit one vessel across the sea. The
armed conflict exploded officially.


看见异象,正在祷告的当中, 突然我感觉房子上下震动,以为是住的地方,持续几秒钟后,才意识到是异象进来。 以太平洋为主的立体地图出现在空中,上上下下式的抖动(震动,看见上下断层岩石碰撞的景象)发生在太平洋的西岸,那里以 C 和 M 为开头英文字母的地方大地震。地震伴随海啸,小山一样高的海浪冲向 L, S, C 等开头的英文字母的地方。我能快速明白其中的加利福尼亚在灾难中,洛杉矶也遭殃。

一种HIGHLIGHT 的提示出现在地图上,就像有一支笔,突然一晃而过,两笔重重的墨迹就涂在,太平洋的西岸和靠近所罗门群岛处,即澳洲水域附近。

感動:非常直白的自然大灾害要临到橙色HIGHLIGHT的部分,地震,海啸是主要的灾害,浅黄色加橙色靠俄罗斯和日本海领土处,地震频发和升级 (包括级数上和次数上超过以往)。在祷告中还领受火山也会在这些地方看见,熔岩活动溢出海面和山谷。


以下是最近的地震地圖,這個環狀的地震帶在網絡上稱為 THE FIRE OF RING.

August 12, 2013 from http://www.emsc-csem.org/#5w

印尼罗卡滕达火山喷发6人丧生 当地居民撤离



In the early morning of June 2nd 2013,

A vision was seen in the morning. When I was praying, suddenly I felt the house shake vertically. I thought it was exactly the place I live. After few seconds, I discerned that it was just the vision showing. The 3D map that centered the Pacific Ocean showed up in the air. The vertical movement (it’s shaking. I saw the image that the fault rocks were colliding vertically) happened on the western coast of Pacific Ocean. The earthquakes occurred in the places whose names start with C and M. The earthquakes accompanied with tsunami. Hill-heighted waves ran into the places start with L, S and C. I could understand California would be in disaster, so would Los Angeles.

Impression: It is pretty clear that the natural catastrophe will take place in the areas highlighted with orange on the map. Earthquake and tsunami are major ones. The frequency and the magnitude of earthquakes will increase in the places near the territories of Russia and Sea of Japan, which are highlighted with the color of light yellow. (Frequency and magnitude are both greater than those before.) When I was praying, I received the vision that volcanoes will be unveiled in the places above, and the lava activity overflowed the sea level and valleys. 

The prophecies came true


August 12, 2013 from http://www.emsc-csem.org/#5w

Rokatenda volcano erupts in Indonesia, killing 6


August 11, 2013,A volcano has erupted in Indonesia, killing six. Mount Rokatenda has shown increased volcanic activity since October last year, with authorities banning people from coming within 3 kilometers (2 miles) of its crater.