全球预言 (六)美国的经济和政治影响力在被削弱Global Prophecy of 2013 No 6

Please scroll down to view the English version of the article.

1)2013 年06月4日凌晨的祷告中,

一副异象: 在一个讲台前,美国总统奥巴马在讲话,在对世界讲话,他在的讲台的背景是一半是蓝色, 另一半是蓝白图案。露天的场地,下面有许多国家的记者,官员。他的脚在慢慢消失,他的身子也在慢慢消失, 最后剩下头和手。


感動:奥巴马代表美国,美国向世界扩张的影响力在减弱,他的脚是他的军事实力,向海外扩张的实力在减弱,身子是预表美国的经济和政治影响力也在被削弱, 欧洲各国想联手想吃它的肉了。刑罚临到她了。


德媒:G20峰会经济外交皆无进展   FILE – In this Sept. 6, 2013 file photo President Barack Obama speaks at a G-20 Summit press conference in St. Petersburg, Russia. Photo: Pablo Martinez Monsivais


史諾登 事件突顯美國全球影響力衰落 Russian Snub Highlights U.S.’s Global Struggles


http://cn.wsj.com/gb/20130802/bus113640.asp (來源,需註冊才能看文章)


國際專欄-反美軸心正在形成? Axis Powers of Anti-Americanism Is Forming?


專譯:中國崛起 美國國際形象備受威脅 China Rises. US International Image Is Threatened


躲肥咖條款 上半年1,800人棄美國籍 Over 1800 Gave Up US Citizenship In The First Half


2)2013 年07月10日凌晨的祷告中,到处看见水灾情况如下:


黑夜潮水悄悄涨上岸边, 淹没两旁的建筑物和工地,房子在水里。

洪水满上街道,人穿长筒水鞋,水依然会满到水鞋, (日本暴雨)



一颗带光亮的陨石从天而降, 掉落在一个有溪流流入湖泊的地方,那里也有山,湖泊的水被污染了。

感動:新一轮的暴雨和洪水来临,所造成的毁坏比以前 (今年6月和7月初的灾难)更甚。


惨不忍睹:美科州洪水肆虐 数千民众疏散(高清组图) 2013年9月13日


中國暴雨洪水逾200人死亡失蹤 (蘇力颱風) China Storms Caused Over 200 Death (Typhoon Soulik)



視頻 Video:

強烈颱風蘇力 (2013年) – 維基百科 Strong Typhoon Soulik (2013)

2013-07-13 ~ 2013-07-15



異象:「黑夜潮水悄悄涨上岸边, 淹没两旁的建筑物和工地,房子在水里。」

新疆:突發山洪 11人被洪水圍困 The Flood In Xinjiang


(黑夜潮水、工地) (The rising tide in the dark. The construction site)


濟南昨日凌晨突發洪水 The Flood In Jinan Surged Before The Dawn


(黑夜潮水上漲、房子損害) (The rising tide in the dark. Buildings were damaged)

「歷城區柳埠高而 60間房屋倒塌」




The Flood In China Northeast Worsens

Unprecedented Flood In Nen River Since 30 Years



洪水淹沒黑瞎子島 (黑龍江) The Flood Submerged Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island In Heilong Jiang



蘇丹洪水 15萬人受災 Sudan Flood Impacted Over 150 Thousand People


(至少有2萬6000間房子受損) (At least 26 thousand houses were damaged)


洪水侵襲阿富汗東部致69人死亡 The Flood In The Eastern Afghanistan Resulted In 69 Death



緬甸洪水 2.5萬人進避難營區 Burma Flood Made 25 Thousand In Refuges



全球多地“水深火熱” 日本洪水過後迎酷暑 Flood And Drought Worldwide




異象:「洪水满上街道,人穿长筒水鞋,水依然会满到水鞋, (日本暴雨)」

日本岛根县暴雨引发洪水 政府已向4万人发避难劝告



日本東北部水災6死2失蹤 The Flood In Northeastern Japan Resulted In 6 Deaths And 2 Missing.



日本東北降暴雨 一老人院遭洪水威脅上百人疏散

The Storm In The Northeastern Japan Made One Rest Home Evacuated Hundreds of Elders.



3)2013 年07月8日, 9日,10日 连续3个夜晚,连续剧似的异梦讲述未来要遇见的一些事情。

7月8日晚上梦,….(前面部分是关乎个人的,不适宜分享),到了街上, 是黄昏的光景, 天上看不见月亮,也没有星星,可是很闷很热,这样许多人在路上说说笑笑。

在大楼的下楼处我遇见了一位差不多50岁的男士,他是我的一个朋友 (现实中我还没有遇见这个人),但我在属灵里知道他不是基督徒,我们就边走边聊。

我们到了大街上,我看见有一处地方从地下冒出热气,感觉象是地面有坑或是什么东西砸下来, 地面出现凹地,下面的热水管因破裂而冒热气,我听到路上有人说,天上有行星的碎片落到地面上,就是陨石。在地上砸出坑来,砸到地下的水沟就会冒热气,已经看见有两个路人因着蒸汽被烫伤,脸部有明显烫伤和烧伤的痕迹。又有声音说行星还会撞击小卫星,就是撞击人造卫星,人造卫星会偏离轨道。






中新网2月20日电 据俄罗斯媒体19日报道,俄罗斯全俄水文应用地球物理研究所发言人表示,地球开始出现强度适中的磁场风暴。




請參閱文章:“斯諾登稱太陽耀斑‘致命沖擊’ 即將災變”http://www.omegaministryorg.com/2013/08/blog-post.html



有一些人在外面,在外面的人他们戴防毒面具和穿防幅射的衣服在捡物品。陨石的颜色有深褐色、深铜色,上面看的样子好像有许多金属的含量,因为在夜空中看,它发出金铜色,又有火星,又有火花在周围闪耀,天气让你分不清是夜晚还是白天,因为整个地方整个城市上面的空气就象是充满了暮霭,灰濛濛的,看不太清楚前方的状况。月亮和星星和太阳都没有办法看的到。眼睛要用力才能够辨别出一些建筑物的轮廓。接下来,我看见一个称为我先生男生,站在我的旁边。我就问他,你还要去吗?(到城里去, 黑暗已经来到这里,不适合出外)。他就回答说:是,还有工作要做,他需要去那个危险的地方….。





7月10日, 这是第三天的凌晨,我又回到前面的第二个异梦的后一部分,但是那个时候我感觉整个图片、整个地方都很混乱的时候….。





这时天上就象有几万人几十万人同时只讲一句话,同时说: 我就要来取我的新妇了,耶稣就来娶他的新妇了。听见这番话语,我的心中有惊喜,有畏惧,有惶恐,又有紧张,又害怕,又甜蜜….,心中就反复思想这些话语,情感变得非常的复杂,到底主是在对我说话,还是在对事工讲话,是对天下的教会讲话,还是在对这个世界讲话….。我只很清楚的看见自己很安静的站在那里向天仰望。


——————————- English Version ————

Global Prophecy of 2013 No 6

1) On June 4 2013, when I prayed before dawn, a vision showed:

At a platform, President Obama of USA was giving a lecture to the world. The background was pure blue on one side and the pattern of blue and white on the other side. The place was outdoor. There were many journalists and officials on the spot. His feet and legs were vanishing and so was his body. Only the head and hands were left.

After praying, the Lord explained the vision.

IMPRESSION: Obama stands for USA whose effect upon the world is decreasing. His feet and legs are America’s extended military power, which is weakening. The body indicates the effect of economy and politics of US, which is diminishing, too. Nations in Europe are nibbling her up. The penalty comes to her.


Russian Snub Highlights U.S.’s Global Struggles


http://cn.wsj.com/gb/20130802/bus113640.asp (need to register to read the article)


Axis Powers of Anti-Americanism Is Forming?


China Rises. US International Image Is Threatened


Over 1800 Gave Up US Citizenship In The First Half


2) On July 10 2013, when praying before dawn, I saw flood everywhere as follows:

One vision showed: A long strip of storm was passing through Changjiang (Yangtze River) and Huaihe River in China. The northern Taiwan was impacted, too. The mudslide came together.

In the dark, the tide was silently rising up to the shore, putting the buildings and construction sites under the water.

The flood was everywhere around the street. People were wearing galoshes but the water still drowned the shoes.

(Japanese heavy rain)

Due to the bad weather, a big bridge collapsed in FXXXXXA state of USA.

The water submerged an inn and its parking lot in Toronto which locates behind a hill. The cars in the parking lot were drowned and can’t move.

One brilliant meteorite fell in a lake where the stream flowed into. There’re mountains there. The water in the lake was polluted.

Impression: Unprecedented storms and flood will come, which are worse than those before (This June and the beginning of this July).


China Storms Caused Over 200 Death (Typhoon Soulik)




Strong Typhoon Soulik (2013)

2013-07-13 ~ 2013-07-15



“In the dark, the tide was silently rising up to the shore, putting the buildings and construction sites under the water.”

The Flood In Xinjiang


(The rising tide in the dark. The construction site)


The Flood In Jinan Surged Before The Dawn


 (The rising tide in the dark. Buildings were damaged)


The Flood In China Northeast Worsens

Unprecedented Flood In Nen River Since 30 Years



The Flood Submerged Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island In Heilong Jiang



Sudan Flood Impacted Over 150 Thousand People


(At least 26 thousand houses were damaged)


 The Flood In The Eastern Afghanistan Resulted In 69 Death



Burma Flood Made 25 Thousand In Refuges



Flood And Drought Worldwide




“The flood was everywhere around the street. People were wearing galoshes but the water still drowned the shoes. (Japanese heavy rain)”

The Flood In Northeastern Japan Resulted In 6 Deaths And 2 Missing.



The Storm In The Northeastern Japan Made One Rest Home Evacuated Hundreds of Elders.



3) On July 8, 9 and 10 2013, for three nights, I dreamed a serial event like a soft opera which was about the future.

On July 8, I dreamed ……… (The front part is for personal, so it’s not suitable to be shared.) I came to the street. It’s a view in the dusk, with no moon and no stars on the sky; however, it’s quite muggy. Nevertheless, people were still talking and laughing on the street.

Downstairs of a building, I came across one man who was near 50 years old. He was one of my friends (In reality, I’ve not met this man.) However, in my spirit, I knew he is not a Christian. We’re just walking and talking.

When we came to an avenue, we saw the hot steam fume from the underground. It’s like there’s a crater, or something drops, and the surface got a pit, then the heated water pipes were broken and explode with hot steam. I heard someone say, “There’s debris of a planet falling on the ground. It’s meteorites.” The stones concaved the surface, making the sewerage heated and vaporized. I’d seen two pedestrians hurt by steam with remarkable face burnt. And a voice said “the planet will hit the satellites, which are artificial satellites. The satellites’ orbits will be deviated.

I went forward and saw someone was hurt by the steam in various places. I saw an exit of the subway which was blocked by the meteorite and the broken debris. The rescue team came to the site. They started to dig a hole on the avenue and pulled out the people. I saw two white young girls who got the scar of burning with their heads dizzy due to steam. It’s really scary. I worried how many people are there still alive underground. The people on the street didn’t know what happened.

But it’s weird that I was on the site and knew exactly what’s going on. I knew that in my mind, just like someone explained the reason of whole event, saying, “It’s because of the solar flare. The solar wind begins to strike the Earth.” Personally, I can’t understand this explanation quite well and didn’t know what he was talking about.
However, in this dream, I got an impression from it, and a voice was talking, “The Earth is roasted by heat and the crust is out of shape. The Earth’s axis is deviated so that the satellites are out of orbit. And the satellites were collided with the debris of the planet, failing the communication equipments on the ground. Due to high temperature, the electronic devices are burnt and damaged, some cannot work.” As a whole, it is tragic that so many people on the street were kept in the dark, not knowing what’s going on.

I thought I must fall back to the very first building, because it was not allowed to press forward. When I went back, I came across the friend I just met. His eyes were blind because he passed the heated pit. The meteorite fell from the sky with considerable radiation fallout. The toxic gas made his eyes blind. I carried him upstairs and wondered how to return to the camp site and contact the people there. His wife started to cry. I comforted him and his wife, saying, “You can temporarily stay here. Do not go outside. I will come back and take you to a safe place.” I promised them over and over again…

On July 9, very early in the morning, I suddenly dreamed back to the rear part of the dream of July 8. I reviewed partial dream of last night…… Next, I was taken into a building. I looked outside from the window and saw the sky is getting dark. Everything inside the building was not quite in order. You will say “What a mess,” because there seemed to be something happening. In the sky, I saw a great amount of meteorites falling on the ground. So many constructions, factories, hospitals on the Earth were abandoned. The factories and the shops were shut down and forsaken.

Some people outside who wore gas masks and radiation-proofed clothes were picking up stuffs. The meteorites were dark brown and dark copper with so much metal on them. I looked them in the dark sky so they had golden copper color with sparkles around. It was hard to tell it’s the day or the night, because the haze was full of the sky over the whole city. It’s too foggy to see what’s going on ahead. The moon and stars can’t be seen. I got to strain on my eyes to recognize some outlines of constructions. Next, I saw one boy who called me sir stand beside me. I asked him, “Do you still want to go? (To the downtown, it’s not adequate to go outside because the dark is coming.)” Then he answered, “Yes, I still have work to do. I need to go to the dangerous place.”……

Next, I saw various zones which are controlled by military in the city. It seemed that the whole city was unstable, like a big riot. There’re many mobs hiding in the region. The entire politics and economy of the society are in danger. I stood on the height and looked into the sky. The dust and little meteorites were floating over the sky. The concaves that were formed by meteorites were fuming. The lava-like fire was spurted out of the surface of the several pits……

On July 10, the third early morning, I came back to the end of the second dream. At that moment, I felt a big chaos of the whole image, and of the whole place……

Suddenly, a big big big meeting took place in front of me. Tables and chairs are full of the meeting. The tables are both round and rectangle. It’s like outdoor. The sky was dusky and looked like in the dark. It’s like it’d been in the night for a long time.

I saw so many people at the tables who put on robes with different colors, some grey, some grey brown and some white but fouled. Of course there’re people who put on pure white robes, but they’re very rare. Many were busy doing something, I saw they seemed not be able to concentrate on one thing. Especially, I saw one person find out a piece of rag to wipe the table, but he just wiped a small corner then put it down and went find a pair of chopsticks. Likewise, he could just find one chopstick and then put it down, went find another thing…… The situation looked like that so many people were busy. Nevertheless, they couldn’t concentrate and were forgetful. They couldn’t last one thing to be finished.

Only the people who put on pure white robes sit and waited at the tables. I heard the voices which were so unique and shouted from the Heaven to the Earth. The voices were just like tens or hundreds of thousands of people say “Hallelujah” at the same time. In the voices, there’s one phonic voice out of the unified voices of Hallelujah, which came and talked to me alone. I could feel the voice was from the Lord in the Heaven.

He said, “I am coming, I’m about to marry you. You need to complete the rest very quickly. I’m about to marry my brides. You should complete the rest soon. I’m about to marry you. You need to get ready soon.”

At the time, it seemed like hundreds of thousands of people said the same words simultaneously, “I’m about to marry my brides. Jesus is about to marry His brides.” When I heard the word, I was surprised, terrified, feared, nervous, afraid and sweet……… I pondered the words repeatedly. I became so sentimental, wondering if it was the Lord speaking to me, or to the ministry, or to the churches all over the world, or to the whole world…… I just saw myself quietly stand there, looking upon the sky.

(The Lord didn’t say “He will come” Instead; He said “He is coming.” It is faster than our imagination.)