Please scroll down to view the English version of the article.
2013年 4月 6日夜晚,
第一副异象,天气炎热,在太阳晒过的几日后,突然飞入严寒。空气降温并大雪纷飞。美国,中国,日本,俄罗斯, 欧洲中的城市,不是单单一个国家。
位于亚洲一个繁荣工业化的城市, 高楼矗立的地方,在市中心不远的地方,天边被红光映红。 地下裂开,冒出许多的热气。白烟上涌。(看见这城市下面的板块在运动)
第二副异象, 黑色的毒烟从叙利亚的国土飞出。
英国称叙生物样本含沙林毒气 化武证据越来越多
土军抓捕叙利亚武装分子 缴获两公斤沙林毒气
2013 年5月4日夜晚
异梦: 大地在摇晃,洪水到处泛滥, 人们惊慌奔跑, 许多人回不了家园。。。。。交通没有了。 16页的白纸在天空中飘移, 在梦中我竟然知道这个代表全球的人口数目。等纸张飘到眼前时, 有四分之一的(4张纸)上写了各样的机构,人员的名字, 密密麻麻的。剩下的还是白纸。空中有一个大手握住名单, 有声音在宣读名单上的名字。 当中有英文,中文,看不懂的像阿拉伯的文字,西班牙文, 印度文等。
感動:一场前所未有的洪灾将会发生,伴随地震,这事像是一天之内临到。 这个灾难引发10多亿人口突然死亡。
后记, 由于实在不明白这事怎么可能一天之内临到呢?没想到神既然怜悯我, 在5月5日晚上的祷告当中看见关于5月4日夜晚异梦更进一步的描述
异象:这事来临之前天会带来两个灾害: 一个是飓风,一个冰雹,然后来两个灾害,一个洪水,一个饥荒
关于飓风: 看见风吹在山顶上许多树木都折断,连根吹起,风速有180 到200 (数据显示出来)以上,狂风横扫海洋,陆地;
关于冰雹: 看见大小都有,有的拳头大小,有的象大小石块大小,有圆形,有方形或不规则,从天空下来,有带着火的, 很稀奇。
关于洪水: 看见有个地区的洪水漫上城市中心街道上,车子在水下,有人抓着牛的身在游泳,牛不能着地,也在急流中浮着。洪水里有许多泥浆,有些地方泥浆很稠。
泥浆里许多人的尸体,倒在海边的,倒在河边的, 到处都是。
加拿大的标志物电视塔CN Tower,也遇见水灾, 水也来到这个地方。
关于饥荒: 圣灵提醒我又看见在2011年9月祷告当中地球仪上的饥荒带 (稍后会公布)。 原来这事还会导致大型饥荒, 在被划分出来的地区,全部会进入饥荒的情形。六分之一的人口进入饥荒当中。城市里抢劫商场, 店铺的事情到处发生。
路加福音第21章第20节:“你们看见耶路撒冷被兵围困,就可知道他成荒场的日子近了;那时 在犹太的应当逃到山上,在城里的应当出来,在乡下的不要进城,因为这是报应的日子。”
習慣上,不同的地區熱帶氣旋有不同的稱呼。人們稱西北太平洋沿岸(例如中國東南沿海、韓國、日本南部、台灣、越南與菲律賓等地)及附近洋面的熱帶氣旋為「颱風」,而大西洋和東北太平洋沿岸及附近洋面的熱帶氣旋則依強度稱為熱帶性低氣壓、熱帶風暴或颶風(Hurricane)。氣象學上,則只有中心風力達到每小時118公里或以上(颶風程度)的熱帶氣旋才會被冠以「颱風」或「颶風」等名字。(from wikipedia)
台北百年老樹不敵「蘇力」強風 (註:台北文山區算是台北的南邊半山腰地帶)
此外,筆者我於蘇力颱風過後的那個禮拜,有個山上服事的機會,我看建山的一整片綠色當中,有一小片變成土黃色,也就是那一小片的樹木都不見了。 而山邊的河道卻充滿了一些樹木的屍體。
蘇力猛襲 全台1死23傷 July 13, 2013 06:10
(组图)暴雨洪水肆虐加拿大 10万人撤离家园
明报 2013-06-21 10:51:52
RCI 2013-06-21 08:50:29
北印度暴雨成灾 2013-06-21 14:52:44 文汇
印度北洪災 驚傳7萬多人失蹤 2013/6/20
台灣西部豪雨,造成嚴重水災,水淹及一層樓高: (基隆淹水,泥土灌進房屋裡) (影片)
2013.06.04 台灣:「像世界末日」暴雨冰雹轟炸雙北 白晝瞬間變黑夜 首次目睹:好恐怖 「起肖的風」驟襲 夾彈珠大冰雹 驚恐10分鐘!路人嚇傻.車主叫苦
2013.06.26 山西省:山西交城遭25年不遇特大冰雹襲擊
2013.06.25 北京: 北京再次上演雷雨冰雹 26日仍有雷雨
2013.06.19 新疆省: 新疆喀什岳普湖降特大冰雹 最大直徑6厘米
2013.06.10 甘肅省: 甘肅慶陽多地遭冰雹襲擊
2013.06.08 中國南方省分: 大陸南方暴雨冰雹 15死
2013.06.24 德國:德国部分地区遭洪水雷雨冰雹多重袭击
2013.06.25 新加坡:新加坡冰雹大雨驱散烟霾
2013.06.13 美國中西部: 美國中西部受龍捲風冰雹吹襲
2013.06.24 法國:法国卢瓦尔遭冰雹袭击 大部分葡萄园受损
2013.06.21 瑞士:瑞士西部暴風雨襲擊運動會致39人受傷
2013.06.10 波蘭:暴雨!華沙下冰雹
2013.06.30 内蒙古多地受暴雨冰雹袭击 8人死亡
Global Prophecy of 2013, No 3
At night on April 6 2013
The first vision: The weather was quite fiery. After having the scorching sun for several days, all of a sudden, it turned wintry. The air was freezing and then a big snow came. It happened in cities of USA, China, Japan, Russia, and Europe. It was not exclusive in one nation.
The Prophecy Came True:
Northern Italy:
Northeastern USA:
Midwestern USA :
A prosperous and industrialized city located in Asia, where high buildings rise. At somewhere not far from the downtown, the sky was dyed red. The ground split and steamed, and the white smoke ascended. (I saw the plate movement under the city.)
The second vision: The toxic black smoke blew out of the territory of Syria.
The Prophecy Came True:
June 9 2013
UK Claimed That The Bio Samples In Syria Contain Sarin. The Evidence of Chem-Weapon Is Getting Clearer.
France Said “Sarin Has Been Used In Many Places of Syria For Many Times.”
The Turkey Army Took The Syria Militants Into Custody And Surrendered Two Kilogram Sarin.
Syria’s darkest hour: Hundreds of children’s bodies piled high after nerve gas attack near Damascus leaves up to 1,300 dead (August 22, 2013)
At night on May 4 2013
A dream:
The earth was shaking and was covered with flood everywhere. People ran in panic and so many can’t return home… The traffic was chaotic. 16 pieces of white paper were floating in the air. In the dream, I can actually know that those paper stands for the number of population of the world. When the paper came to my eyes, one quarter of the paper (4 pieces) was filled densely with a variety of names of organizations and people. The rest of paper were blank. There was a big hand holding the name lists in the air and a sound reading out the names on it. There were English, Chinese and some languages which I can’t read such as Arabic, Spanish, Hindi and etc.
Impression: One unprecedented flood will happen with earthquake. It’s almost like that everything happens during a day. This disaster will suddenly cause the death of over one billion people in the world.
Postscript: Even though I can’t realize how it could be possible that it happens during a day, but the Lord was merciful to me that He showed me more in detail about the dream of May 4 when I prayed on May 5.
The vision: Two kinds of disasters will result before that event happens: one is hurricane; another is hail, and other two calamities: one is flood and the other is famine.
The hurricane: I saw the strong wind damage so many trees which became split and rooted out. The wind speed was from 180 to 200 (the figure was revealed) and above. The wind was so fierce across the ocean and the land.
The hail: I can see both big and small ones, with some like a fist and some like stones, some round, some rectangular and some irregular. They dropped from the sky, some with fire. They were so rare.
The flood: I saw the flood on the street of downtown in an area. Cars were under the water. There’s one man grabbing an ox and swimming. The ox was not able to touch the ground and wallowed in the torrent. There’s much mud in the flood. The mud in the water was quite thick in some places.
There’re many dead bodies in the mud everywhere, with some lying at the seaside and the riverside.
I saw the Sydney Opera House under the water.
The flood also happened to the Canadian landmark, the CN Tower. The water came to here.
The famine: The Holy Spirit reminded me the famine stripe zones seen on the globe in Sept 2011 when I was praying. (I will show you later.) I realized that this event will result in a big famine. The regions drawn will run into the famine. One sixth people in the world will be starving. Robbery will happen in the squares and shops of city everywhere.
The punishment comes to the boats and countries which have coastal trades.
Scripture: Isaiah Chapter 23.
Impression: The calamity will make so many people lose their minds and even get mad. On that day, the people of Israel should flee to the height. The rich and the kings should hide in caves. The people in the cities will move to the countryside. People will go into grottos and caves.
Luke 21:20-22 “When you see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, you will know that its desolation is near. Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those in the city get out, and let those in the country not enter the city. For this is the time of punishment in fulfillment of all that has been written.”
The Related Events About The Prophecies Began To Be Fulfilled:
The hurricane:
Tropical cyclone
Tropical cyclones are typically between 100 and 4,000 km (62 and 2,500 mi) in diameter. Depending on its location and strength, a tropical cyclone is referred to by names such as hurricane (/ˈhʌrɨkeɪn/ or /ˈhʌrɨkən/), typhoon /taɪˈfuːn/, tropical storm, cyclonic storm, tropical depression, and simply cyclone. (from Wikipedia)
(13 July 2013)
Typhoon Soulik Makes Landfall in Taiwan
Typhoon Soulik makes landfall in Taiwan
Typhoon Soulik soaks Taiwan, hits mainland China
The Flood:
(Photos) Heavy Rain And Flood Spreading Through Canada Caused Evacuation of 100 Thousand People. Mingpao 2013-06-21 10:51:52
(Photos and articles) Thousands of People In Calgary of Canada Were In Danger of Flooding. RCI 2013-06-21 08:50:29
Heavy Rain Stroke The Northern India.
http://www.creaders.net2013-06-21 14:52:44
A Flood Took Place In The Northern India. More Than 70 Thousand People Are Missing. 2013/6/20
“A big buffalo swam hardly in the water. People built a raft on the back of the buffalo and escaped from the drowned homes. And there’s one calf swimming hardly to the heights. All of people and animals became the sufferers of the flood. ”
The Hail:
2013.07.03 New Mexico, USA: Hail Accumulated More Than One Foot.
2013.06.04 Taiwan : “Like The End of The Day” Storm And Hail “Bombed” Taipei. The Day Turned Into The Dark.
2013.06.26 Shanxi Province: Unprecedented Big Hail Stroke JIAOCHENG Since 25 Years.
2013.06.25 Beijing: Hail Again In Beijing.
2013.06.19 Xinjiang Province: Super Hail Dropped In Kashgar Yopurga Lake of Xinjiang.
2013.06.10 Gansu Province: Hail In Qingyang City of Gansu.
2013.06.08 The Southern Provinces of China: Storms And Hail Caused 15 Deaths.
2013.06.24 Germany: Floods and Thunderstorms In Regions of Germany.
2013.06.25 Singapore: Hail And Heavy Rain Dissipated Haze Over Singapore.
2013.06.13 The Midwest of USA: The US Midwest Suffered From Tornados And Hail.
2013.06.24 France: Hail Damaged The Vineyard In Loire.
2013.06.21 Switzerland: The Storm Disturbed The Games In The West of Switzerland.
2013.06.10 Poland: Storm and Hail In Warsaw.
2013.06.30 Inner Mongolia: Storms And Hail Resulted In 8 Deaths.
2013.07.03 Hail More Than One Foot In A Little Town of New Mexico During One Night.